On-line learning 

Grade 2T at home

How To Remember the Order of the Planets

Messy Mercury sits next to,

Vibing Venus who is friends with,

Electric Earth but,

Magnificent Mars does not like,

Jelly Jupiter because he and,

Silly Saturn play tricks on,

Ugly Uranus and,

Naughty Neptune watches and laughs.

by Samuel


Grade 1 - Puddles, Pets and Football

by Jacob


Grade 1W  Pet Graph

by Adrian

Mathematics Foundation

Grade 3R are busy helping out at home

Time to draw your dog!

Our Foundation students followed a directed drawing of dogs and Lauren created a beautiful movie of them:

Grade 2T - Clocks

Grade 5/6 Virtual Camp

Last week would have been the Grade 5/6 Camp at Lady Northcote.  Although we are sad camp could not go ahead, we had fun creating our own 'camp' activities, check out the bush tepee, hiking, bike riding, keeping the bunk room tidy and scavenger hunt:


Grade 3VH - Would you rather?

Dear Parents,

When checking in each morning the Grade Three students are asked to answer a “Would You Rather?”

Last Friday we asked the question, ‘Would you rather stay a kid until you turn 80 or instantly turn 40?’

The responses were overwhelmingly in favour of staying a kid for as long as possible. Their reasons were mostly around not wanting the responsibility of having to work to pay the bills. Being an adult didn’t look like much fun from their perspective!


So to all the parents out there, your children are noticing it is a tough gig at the moment.  Hang in there!


From the adults in partnership with you,

The teachers.