From the Principal

We are all in this together

Over the last couple of weeks we have seen an increased media debate and conversation about schools and the possible return to on-site learning.   There is mixed messaging here which is not helpful and detracts from the hard work of students, parents and school staff.  We remain under the direction of the State Government and follow the advice of the Premier and the Chief Medical Officer that state, 'if students can stay at home, they should stay at home."  We do recognise that these are challenging times and we do look forward to the time when we can return to school, but only when it is safe to do so.


We will continue to provide the best remote learning programs we can for your child and are excited to take things to another level this week with the introduction of video conferencing with classes.  On Tuesday, we took remote learning to the next level with all teachers meeting online with their classes for a video conference.  We know many of our students were really looking forward to seeing their classmates and catching up with their classroom teacher.   The plan forward is to make this a weekly event for your child, the purpose varies depending on age of the students, our junior students will be placed in small groups for instruction with their teachers while our middle and senior students will be online together for wellbeing activities and social connection.  We appreciate the support families are providing to their children that enables this to happen.

Learning Snapshot from this week

Here are some of my favourite photos from the last two weeks of remote learning, thank you to families for sharing these great photos:


Enrolling for Foundation 2021

It is that time of year again to be thinking about enrolling your child for school in 2021.  Although tours are not able to be conducted at the moment, we are still taking enquiries on the phone and accepting enrolments.   Please spread the word to friends and families and we look forward to receiving your application.  

Transition - Grade 6 - Year 7

Local Secondary Colleges invite families to browse their websites and check out virtual tours to support you in your decisions for Secondary School placement.   Tours and information nights will resume when schools are back on-site.  Check out these local colleges:

Norwood Secondary College:

Virtual Tour:


Ringwood Secondary College:


Melba Secondary College:

Building Update

Many of you have mentioned that now would be a great time to commence our new building works.  And you are right.  Yesterday, Jenny and I met with the new building contractor, Grove.  We are working together to schedule all of the necessary work including asbestos removal, demolition of the old buildings, moving of the current Grade 5/6 Classroom and the building of the rear retaining wall and ramp access to our Kitchen Garden.  Currently we are on track to complete classroom building work by the end of August, with the finish of the Visual Art room and the Science and Technology room by end of November.  As you are likely to be aware that these deadlines could be pushed out a little, however, as our buildings are all manufactured off site in a huge factory, this work will not be affected by the weather.  We are starting to get excited!

Maroondah City Council support for families and businesses

Maroondah Council have provided a number of support options for families during this time of isolation, check out these links and reach out for support if you need it:

Lonliness and Isolation


Support for Businesses


Schooling and Parenting during COVID-19
