Altar Servers

Altar Servers
If you are an existing Altar Server or would like to join this very special Ministry and you have made the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation, could you please complete your details on the attached permission slip. A permission slip was handed to Senior Years students on Wednesday and is attached below for your information. An A3 form is located in the Narthex or side foyer in our Church.
The Altar Servers roster is being updated. Please return your notes if you wish to be an Altar Server this year.
We are currently in the process of updating roster times and looking for new recruits so it is important to include your preferred Mass times and contact details on the form.
As we are updating rosters in the coming weeks, can all Altar Servers attending Mass please check to see if they are needed to serve. Thank you to our current Altar Servers, we appreciate your commitment and dedication to this great service.
If you are attending Mass on the weekend could you please check to see if you are needed to serve.