Big Life
The year 7s participated in I CAN Day last week. The aim of the day was to celebrate the year 7s growth throughout the year and to build their knowledge of the brain, neuroplasticity, growth mindset and self-regulation.
After the sessions, 88.5% of students reported they know what neuroplasticity is. 92.4% of students reported they understood what a growth and fixed mindset is. 87.8% of students reported they understood the brain's response to stress.
A big thanks to the Warrnambool College teachers for facilitating the sessions, and a big congratulations to the year 7s for their growth mindsets and enthusiasm in what has been a very challenging start to high school.
Today marks the end of the 16 Days of Activism for 2020, an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The theme for this year has been 'Respect is...', calling us to explore what respect means to us, what respect looks like and how to put respect into practice, especially in the context of gender equality.
Over the past 10 days, the Warrnambool College community have been exploring what respect is and showing their support for the campaign by wearing orange masks.
Rebecca from the Big Life Team arranged a 'Women in STEM' talk for some of our year 8 students to coincide with the campaign, highlighting the effects of gender stereotypes in the science and maths fields.
Another timely event during the campaign was the Man Cave facilitator training, which a group of 10 Warrnambool College staff completed in order to better understand how we can foster healthy masculinity in our boys, and greater self-awareness and awareness of others in all of our students.