Library News 


It's nearly the end of the school year - ALL books need to be returned to the Library.  If you have an overdue book, please check at home and return asap.  Thanks and appreciated.



Thank You to ALL students and staff for joining in Book Week for 2020.  We certainly had many book characters and curious creatures dressed up to participate in our level parades and class/library activities.

Each class paraded and shared their character to the level by speaking on the microphone.  Classes chose different short-listed books and completed an art activity related to the book.  Library activities involved going on a 'scavenger hunt - book search', 'curiosity exhibit' and 'library curious creature'.  This year the Staff dressed up as flies, the characters from The Fly Guys series by Tom Arnold.  

Thank you to parents for supporting our annual Book Week and assisting with costumes.

5\6 on parade
creating a curious creature drawing
scavenger hunt
Fly Wakeling
Curiosity Exhibit
5\6 on parade
creating a curious creature drawing
scavenger hunt
Fly Wakeling
Curiosity Exhibit


Scholastic Bookclub at COHR

As 2020 draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you! Book Club kept running online during Home learning and this term we have been inundated with orders at your school and we sincerely appreciate your partnership in inspiring a lifelong love of reading in your school community. Because of you…

• Book Club is more popular than ever and kids are reading more!

• Parents can see the benefit of kids choosing their own books AND they can see the value that Book Club offers

• Your school earns Scholastic Rewards to spend on books and classroom resources! 

Many thanks to Anna Saraullo and Agnes Bermingham who organise and place our orders for our families, we are very grateful for your time and support in coordinating this.



HOLIDAY READING with Schoalstic Australia!

Dear Families, 

Students should keep reading for at least 10 minutes a day over the school holidays to set themselves up for a great start to the new school year. It will keep their brains active, develop overall reading skills and their love of reading. To help families keep their reading momentum rolling over the holidays, Scholastic are releasing some reading resources at the end of term, including

  • Fun competitions and reading challenges
  • Reading games for car trips
  • Author and illustrator tutorials
  • Book recommendations
  • Extra special book sales and promotions
  • Reading tips and more!

Go to

 Happy summer reading!



Don't forget to access Storybox Library over the holidays - READ anywhere and anytime.  Stories that are a little bit cheeky, a little bit charming, and a whole lot of fun are right at your fingertips, and you don't even have to get out of your pyjamas!

COHR has a subscription.  Here is a reminder of the log in details.


Username:  cohrstorybox                                     Password: cohr2020



After reading the book HOME by Narelle Oliver in Home learning 2.  Our 3 - 6 students followed the journey of the peregrine falcons that nest each year on a building ledge in Melbourne CBD.  We enjoyed viewing as 3 eggs were hatched and watching these eyases (chicks) grow until they were ready to fledge (take flight for the first time).  The website was eagerly visited each week to see the development and growth of these birds.  Even our P - 2 students tuned in and joined in the excitement.

the 3 eyases
incubating the eggs
feeding time
feeding time
keeping them warm
the 3 eyases
incubating the eggs
feeding time
feeding time
keeping them warm


We are loving our new library space and we look forward to having families back onsite next year so as all can see this wonderful new learning space in action.  Thanks to all students and families for your support this year and reminding your children to return their books and swap them over for new ones.


Karen & Lorraine