Staff Awards 2020

In 2020, Melton Secondary College launched the inaugural Staff Awards, to celebrate the contribution of staff who champion a flourishing learning environment at our school. Staff who showed exceptional evidence of demonstrating our STARR values of Success, Teamwork, Ambition, Respect and Responsibility were nominated by colleagues, and award recipients were selected by a panel that involved the perspective of our Student Leaders. 


Big congratulations to the following staff on receiving a Staff Award, which consists of a financial sum for the recipient to put towards professional learning. An excerpt from each staff member’s nomination is included below. 


Success – Clair Whittingham (Student Wellbeing & Engagement Officer)

Clair found her feet in a new role to MSC in 2020. Successfully coordinated IDAHOPIT Day, R U OK? Day and Harmony Day. Clair advocated for MSC Instagram page which has established itself as a positive community format - with games and important information.


Teamwork – Nick Morley (Acting Junior Sub-School Team Manager; EAL Learning Area Leader; English and EAL Teacher)

Nick constantly invites colleagues to observe his practice and when he facilitates sessions of mediation with students. Nick leads his STARR Teacher Team by setting goals and following up on any issues or matters they need help with. He sets clear expectations and provides those in his team with a timeline for his team to complete set tasks.


Ambition – Amy-Rose Livesay (Head of Year 8; Health and PE Teacher)

Amy's leadership as formal and informal across the school is extensive because she seeks to invest in others as a focus. Amy has taken the lead in planning many sessions that support staff and students. She is proactive and responsive when it comes to her attention that leaders can make changes to improve the work of our school.


Respect – Priyanca Menon (Senior Student Voice Leader; Humanities and German Teacher)

Priyanca shows compassion and care for her students and colleagues as well as empathy, kindness and understanding. Priyanca has high expectations of students and herself.


Responsibility – Selin Kasif (Maths and Science Teacher)

Selin never gives up on her students and maintains unconditional positive regard despite frustrating behaviour. She has earned the respect of all 7K students, which reflects the effort and attitude she has brought to her relationships with them.