Sport Update

2021 Sport Leaders 

School Sport Captains

Jarrod Bibby
Trinity Skenderis
Jarrod Bibby
Trinity Skenderis

Sport Information

Student achievements over the summer time.

  • Melissa Oloamanu, Yr 12, one of our school captains, has been selected in the Victorian Vixens Development squad as well as being part of the Netball Australia u/17 Centre of Excellence.
  • Trinity Skenderis and Eva Lavanda, both in Yr 12; and Nicole Besnard, Yr 11, have been chosen in the Western Jets Girls AFL squad for this year.
  • Nate Dowdy, Yr 12; and ex student, Riley Theo, have made the Western Jets Boys squad.
  • Adam Lees, Yr 10, has been selected in the Victorian Junior Sprint squad at the VIS by Cycling Victoria.
  • Rugby Vic has just announced their State Junior training squads – Lester Tuitea, Yr 11, Siaosi Sasa Yr 10; and ex-student Fua Salani, have been selected in the u/17 State training squad.
  • Emilee Davies, Yr 9, qualified for the State u/18 Bowls finals, losing the singles at the quarter final stage (this was streamed over the internet so a lot of pressure was on the match) and she combined with another Melton girl to win the u/18 State pairs championship.

Swimming Carnival Information Summary

The carnival will be held on Thursday, 18 February. It will be for competitors only. Normal school for all other students.

The students can submit an entry to be considered for selection via the entry form now available on Compass. We will not be conducting the normal sign up session during a lunchtime. Entries close on the 11 February. Students who have signed up to compete will only be allowed to go if they have returned the General Consent form that has been distributed to all students. This form must be returned by 17 February. If the form has not been returned by this day, then the student will not be allowed to compete. Parents are allowed to attend. They must sign into the QR code at the front desk, sanitize and social distance as per normal Covid regulations.


General Sport Excursion Reminders

  • All consent forms must be returned like every other excursion to the front office WITH the payment by the due date on the form.
  • No student will be allowed to bring the consent form on the day and/or bring the money on the day.
  • No CONSENT form - No MONEY –  not returned by DUE date = No GO = get left behind = unhappy team and coach
  • If your family qualify for the Camps and Excursions fund provided by the Govt. you need to collect a form from the General Office. This helps you pay for all camps and excursions, but it must be registered by June. You can only access the fund after your form has been processed.

Melton SC Sport Facebook page

We have a Facebook page dedicated to our Interschool Sport and the Athlete Development Program (ADP) participants. Please have a look and ‘like” us to keep up to date with the many outstanding achievements by our students in sport. The page name is - Melton Secondary College - Sport/Sport Specialism


General Information

Amart Sports – Melton SC is part of the community kickbacks program with Amart Sports in Woodgrove. Every time you make a purchase just mention our school and we will receive 5% of the purchase amount. If you join online you will receive a loyalty and receive discounts etc as well as already having registered our school as your preferred community kickback. We have the same arrangement with Rebel Sport.


School Sport  Information

All information regarding School Sport information and State team selection trials can be found on the website –,

Students attending schools affiliated with SSV are eligible for selection in Victorian Teams to compete in 2019 School Sport Australia National Championships.


Sport Dates

Term 1

  • Thursday, 18 February – House Swimming at the Waves
  • Tuesday, 2 March – Swimming - Western Ranges Division at the Waves
  • Friday, 5 March – Tennis at Sunbury
  • Monday, 15 March – Lawn Bowls – region level in Werribee
  • Tuesday, 6 March – Rugby League 9’s – u/16
  • Thursday,18 March – Rugby League 9’s – u/18
  • Thursday, 25 March (tbc) – Volleyball – Senior and Intermediate girls and boys
  • Wednesday, 31 March – Swimming Western Region in Geelong

Term 2 

Thursday, 22 April – School Sport Victoria State swimming finals

Friday, 30 April – House Athletics Sports