A Message from the Principal

Welcome to the 2021 School Year

It has been such an exciting start to the new school year with students showing a high level of enthusiasm about their courses, meeting new teachers and class mates and getting quickly into their learning. Thanks to the strong partnership we have with our families, we have been able to support students to commence with a high level of preparation with all the necessary information and materials to make 2021 a successful year. The Junior School Ready to Learn days held for students and parents were very well attended and as a result students have settled quickly into learning routines. This is especially good to see after remote learning and the many changes we all experienced last year. 


Having parents/carers attend college events such as the Ready to Learn days is such an advantage for our students and it boosts confidence knowing that there is a close connection and flow of information between school and home. We encourage our parents/carers to communicate regularly with their students' STARR Connect or class teacher and learn about what their student is studying, use the Compass Parent Portal, support the completion of home work and get involved with college events . The Dates to Remember section in Melton Mail and Compass Calendar are the places where this information is readily available.


We were incredibly excited to welcome the 280 young people who are our Year 7 students at the start of this year. There are so many new things to learn when you are starting high school, but the smiles we saw on the first day were still there today. Well done Year 7s on completing your first week of high school!

Dominique-Dee Jones - 2020 College Dux

Year 12 student, Dominique-Dee Jones topped the 2020 VCE results with an amazing 99.75 ATAR. The ATAR is the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank and Dominique-Dee's results placed her higher in rank order than 99.75 percent of students in the state. To reach this point, Dominique-Dee achieved very high individual study scores including the maximum possible study score of 50 for VCE History.  Dominique-Dee's results make her the Dux of 2021. Well done Dominique-Dee! 

Four other Year 12 students achieved ATARs in the 90s; Sasha Bolster, Alliyah Mendoza, Noah Collins and Jessica Harrowfield and their achievements proudly acknowledged in a recent Star Weekly article (below).

All of our year 12 students deserve a huge congratulations for getting through the challenges of last year. We are very proud of you all!

Rowing Challenge

Melton Secondary College participated in a range of holiday programs during January. On the 27th of January, students attended the Rowing on the River holiday program organised by the Essendon Rowing Club and Life Saving Victoria  in partnership Victoria Police. The program gave young people an opportunity to get on the water, paddling in canoes and skiffs.  The events commenced with a Welcome to the Country Smoking Ceremony and was followed by 4 hours of water sports. Year 9 student Riek Chuol Year 9, and Year 11 student Nyabol Manyok can be seen in this photograph.

Riek and Nyabol
Riek and Nyabol

School Council Elections

School Council is where all members of the college community get the opportunity to help make decisions that will shape the way our college achieves its vision of a flourishing learning community, building high levels of academic growth and bright futures for every student. Each year the college calls for nominations from parents, staff, students and members of the community to fill vacancies. Perhaps you are wondering what School Council does, or what Council members do. The next page of Melton Mail has details about how to nominate and answers to some of these questions. Perhaps you would like to help the college in other ways. Please feel free to contact me. I'm keen to answer your questions or talk on this topic at any time. My email address is: david.reynolds@education.vic.gov.au