Term Dates
Term 1: 27th January to 1st April
Term 2: 19th April to 25th June
Term 3: 12th July to 17th September
Term 4: 4th October to 17th December
Last School Day of Term 1:
Thursday 1st April
School finishes at 2:30pm
Thursday 4th March: Year 3 to 6 Intra-School Cross Country Carnival
Monday 8th March: Labour Day. Public holiday
Tuesday 9th March: Curriculum Day. Student free day
Thursday 11th March: Year 5/6 Bouncing Back Incursion
16th to 24th March: Somers Camp (5/6 students)
Monday 26th April: Year 5/6 Gaayip-Yagila Tournament
2021 Essential items are now overdue. Please pay ASAP.
Please remember that school starts at 8:50am and attendance rolls will be marked at this time. If your child arrives late they must report to the office for late sign in.
Students should only be picked up prior to 3:10pm in exceptional circumstances.
We ask that, wherever possible, you advise the teacher prior that this will occur so they can send the student up to the office at the appropriate time.
We suggest that students are not picked up during recess and lunchtimes as it can be difficult to find students in the yard at this time and may cause delays.