Changes to Semester 2 student reports 

Dear parents/carers, 


I am writing to you to provide an update on changes to Semester 2 student reports at Ivanhoe Primary School.


At Ivanhoe Primary School we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This includes providing a written report to parents/carers on student progress and achievement at least twice a year.


The Department of Education and Training has adjusted the expectations around student reporting for Semester 2 in recognition of the disruption caused by COVID-19.


While Ivanhoe Primary School has continued to deliver a teaching and learning program and monitor the learning of each student, we have adjusted our usual program to reflect the period(s) of remote and flexible delivery. 


Ivanhoe Primary School will therefore provide a simplified written report for the parent/carer of each student enrolled at the school for Semester 2, 2020 focusing on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child.


Reports will include:

  • a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum Foundation to Level 10, including Towards Foundation Levels A to D, taught;
  • a comment on student participation and engagement in the learning program offered;
  • for English and Mathematics: 
  • a short description of what was taught
  • students achievement information assessed against the Victorian Curriculum F-10, including Towards Foundation Levels A-D, achievement standards
  • progress shown from the last time these curriculum areas were reported on;
  • a five-point scale.
  • for all other curriculum areas taught: 
  • a short comment on progress and achievement across the Semester.
  • a comment on student participation and engagement in the learning program offered in Semester 2 2020, with reference to the Personal and Social Capability in the curriculum.

Semester reports will be published via Compass on Friday 11th December.

Parents/carers are welcome to contact their child(ren)’s teacher(s) to arrange a time to discuss their child’s report, in accordance with any relevant health advice set out by the Chief Health Officer at the time.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support during the transition between remote and flexible learning and onsite learning.






Ivanhoe Primary School