Music News

Music News – Term 4, Week 8

This week in Music we have been writing, editing and filming Green Screen projects.

Students in Foundation and Year One read jokes and stories, students in years Two to Four have been writing an adventure sequence and in years Five and Six the full range of creativity has been unleashed!


I hope to be able to share some of their creations with you next week as the editing process is completed.




On Wednesday morning at 8am, around 80 students gathered in the hall for the first massed strings event of the year. One would be forgiven for thinking that the sound would be a mass cacophony!  While warm ups and preparations sound like this for all orchestras – Liz, and Anneliese soon had everyone working in perfect harmony. It was so uplifting for all to hear. 

Sadly, parents were unable to attend, so I hope the pictures and videos below give you a sense of what these students enjoyed. 


Playing together in a band, ensemble or orchestra is such a wonderful experience. I hope the students enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed listening to it.


Marie Morrow



Hee Haw – first rehearsal!

Yours in Music,

Mrs. Marie Morrow & Mrs. Anne Murray