Living with Strength and Kindliness

We’ve got Christmas…. All Wrapped Up!

There are two articles about Advent that I have kept copies of in my files. Yes, you are right I have a lot of files!   They come from Eureka Street, a Jesuit Publication that comes out weekly. The two articles I refer to are titled, Living Laudato Si at Christmas and The Power of Gift Giving without the Waste. 


If you are anything like me (and many other people in the world) you are up to the point where you are making a list and checking it (more than twice) to ensure that you have got your Christmas list in order, so that it doesn’t miss anyone and so that it doesn’t blow your Summer holiday budget.


The articles in mention have helped me to think a little more deeply about the plans that I am making and what I do when it comes to wrapping the presents on my gift list.


One of my very vivid memories of Christmas is that my Dad was always the one who would gather up the paper and the boxes and the envelopes and the bon bon wrappers and all the paper waste that was left over after Christmas Day.  It’s funny isn’t it, that times don’t change too much and my Dad is still responsible for collecting and getting rid of all the paper wrap; it’s just now he has about 10 more people he has to clean up after now that his daughters have husbands and children of their own.


Back when I had more time on my hands I would spend time painstakingly wrapping the gifts that I would hand out on Christmas morning.  I must say I spent time lovingly wrapping each present and writing on each of the cards but I don’t go to the same elaborate efforts that I once did.


In 2015 Pope Francis wrote a letter to the whole world called Laudato Si.  The content of this encyclical has called us to abandon our ‘throw away’ culture and to see that the gift that God has given to the world is the gift of creation … and that we need to care for it.


We all recognise the great push of consumerism that is present in this 21st Century. When we make our Christmas we can see that we are influenced by the pressures to buy the latest version of everything on the market.  Pope Francis in Laudato Si asks us to recognise that this constant push to buy the best and the newest and to throw away the old comes at a great cost to the environment and to people.


The articles that I have referred to herein ask us to think about gift-giving in another way.  We are called to reject excess and to reduce the inundation of stuff in our lives.  It asks us to conscientiously avoid buying stuff for the sake of it.


This doesn’t take away from gift-giving, which brings all of us great joy at Christmas time.  Giving gifts builds up our relationships, it demonstrates to others that we care about them and that in turn they care about us. Gift-giving serves a symbolic function. We can use gift-giving to bring joy to others and ourselves.  Maybe some of our gifts could build on sharing experiences with those people who are important to us, going to the theatre or a movie or providing a well deserved massage.  Buying secondhand goods, cooking for a friend or family member or making things are also great ways to show that we care whilst also reducing our carbon footprint.


And, if you get a gift that you don’t really love that much, don’t put it in landfill, regift it or take it down to the local Vinnies store; there will surely be someone else who will love it!


Advent begins this coming Sunday, 27th November. 


The Gospel Reading for this Sunday comes from the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 4:18 – 22).  This passage retells the story of Jesus calling his first disciples.  One way to interpret the story is that we are also called to be disciples of Jesus and particularly at this time of year when we prepare to celebrate his birth. In the story Jesus asks the disciples to abandon everything in order to follow him. What in your life today would you be prepared to give up in order that you might grow and develop and be changed by him…”and I will make you”.  Maybe it’s just some small things that we can attend to in the season of waiting, in the season where we prepare to welcome the Christ Child into our hearts.


What will be your deepest gift to others this Christmas?


Kirrilee Westblade

Catholic Identity - Leader



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