Year 7 Celebration Evening

Celebration Evening

It was with great pleasure, on Wednesday August 10th that the school hosted our first "Year 7 Celebration Night".


Our aim for the evening was to recognise the many good things that have happened in the year so far. All the students and their families were invited and it was really lovely to see so many parents, grand-parents and siblings.


At Fairhills we are encouraging all students to aim for a high attendance in order to maximise their opportunities to participate and learn. As a consequence awards were given to all students who have been at school 100% of the year so far, and all students who have attended 95% and above. With the winter illness it is very hard to attend every day and it is terrific that so many of the Year 7's qualified for these awards.


Fairhills has developed a strong set of Values and these are talked about and encouraged in all classes. We emphasise the values of Integrity, Responsibility, Persistence, Inclusion and Respect. To further draw the students' attention to these Values, each form teacher chose students to give an award to, who have demonstrated the Value in their class room.


The celebration also included the presentation of awards to those students who recieved the most awards following on from the First Semester reports. It is very good to see students being given awards for Academic Achievement, Effort or Citizenship for several different subjects.


As part of the evening there were talks about our Well-being Day and Cyber Safety from Paul Graham and some words about the importance of attending school on a regular basis from Ms Adrienne Tanner.


The evening finished with coffee and light refreshments and a good opportunity for conversations and congratulations.


I would like to warmly thank all the families and students who came to school on a rainy and cold evening, and all the people who worked to make the evening such a positive and pleasant occasion. Thanks in particular to Paul Graham, Ms Tanner, Mr Wood and Mr Poulier.  We all look forward to this Celebration Night becoming a fixture on the school calendar.



Margaret Meadows

Year 7 Co-ordinator