For parents and carers

Year 7 and Year 10 Vaccinations 

Year 7- dTpa and HPV     I     Year 10 -  Meningococcal

Catch up vaccination date:  Wednesday, 4th November

While the NSW School Vaccination Program was disrupted due to low student attendance,  NSW Health has rescheduled school clinics during 2020 to protect students from preventable diseases. NSW Health has implemented additional measures based on expert clinical advice to reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission in school clinics. 

Parent information kits were sent home to parents early in the school year. To consent to vaccination, parents were advised to read all the information provided, complete and sign the consent form and return it to their child's school.  If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 and missed out on being vaccinated earlier this year, a catch-up vaccination day will be held on Wednesday, 4th November at Cecil Hills High School, provided you have sent in the completed consent form.  Spare consent forms are available at the school office.

Breakfast Club at Cecil Hills High School

Breakfast Club is held every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in the Common Room and is available for all students, serving freshly toasted bread with a variety of spreads, fresh fruit, juices and warm drinks. Breakfast Club starts at 8.00 am until 8.30 am.  There is no cost involved and all students are welcome!

Helping children who worry

Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in the month of October in NSW. 

To mark Mental Health Month, Start School Strong in partnership with the City of Canterbury-Bankstown and Bankstown Community Resource Group is offering this information session for mums, dads, carers and grandparents with children up to the age of 6 years.


Clinical Psychologist, Megan Taylor, will explore ways parents can deal with anxious thoughts and behaviours in young children. The session will cover:

  • What anxiety is and how parents can help young children reduce anxious thoughts and behaviours;
  • Why children become worried and anxious and how parents can support them to feel confident to start school;
  • Ideas for parenting in ways that encourage children to be positive and confident;
  • The difference between normal and problem anxiety.

Online Information Session 

Wednesday 28 October 2020 | 7.00pm - 8.30pm


Start School Strong is for mums, dads, carers and grandparents living in the Fairfield, Liverpool and former Bankstown local government areas. 

Bookings are essential and places are limited. 

Looking for a new device?

Our unique partnership with Acer, HP and LWT offers educational prices for students at Cecil Hills High School.