YARN Breakfast with Aunty Carol

Aboriginal Elder presentation 

with Aunty Carol Brown

As part of our Aboriginal Education Yarn group, Cecil Hills High School was privileged to have Aunty Carol Brown, our local Aboriginal Elder visit our school, and present our students with their 2020 NAIDOC jumpers.


This visit was dedicated to celebrating our students' culture and achievements as proud members of the Aboriginal community. 


The theme for NAIDOC Week 2020 is “Always was, Always will be” which recognises that First Nations people, have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

Always Was, Always Will Be’ acknowledges that hundreds of Nations and cultures covered within Australia.

Tallara with Aunty Carol
Grezzju with Aunty Carol
Olivia with Aunty Carol
Ruby with Aunty Carol
Tallara with Aunty Carol
Grezzju with Aunty Carol
Olivia with Aunty Carol
Ruby with Aunty Carol

Throughout the morning, our students sat in a Yarning circle and participated in a Connect lesson, enlightening them on their proud heritage and ancestry. Students shared their stories about their families and their totems with Aunty Carol and really connected as proud Aboriginal students.


Here at Cecil Hills High School we sit on Darug Nation Land. A land we proudly share and come together on in recognising Aboriginal cultural, heritage and achievements.



Ms D Kulevski 

Aboriginal Coordinator