2021 Reunions

2021 Reunions
We are looking forward to holding reunions next year for those years who missed out in 2020 and those due to celebrate in 2021. They are such a wonderful way to reunite with old friends and share school day memories.
Reunions will be held for these classes:
1950 and 1951
To be held at the Alumnae High Tea on
Sunday 16 May 2021
1960 and 1961
To be held at the Alumnae High Tea on
Sunday 16 May 2021
1970 and 1971
1980 and 1981
1990 and 1991
2000 and 2001
2010 and 2011
2015 and 2016
2019 and 2020
We have co-ordinators for the Reunions that were due to be held in 2020, but are looking for alumnae to assist in the organisation of the 1971,1981,1991, 2001, 2011 and 2016 reunions.
Please contactMelinda Adamsif you are able to help.