P to the E with Leigh

Foundation - Year Two

This term we have been playing all their favourite games from Great Walls to Crazy Tag to learning to play games in small rotating groups. As the children become more confident and robust they begin to run and play harder. The focus is trying to prevent injuries at this age by teaching the children to be aware of others and being safe in a shared space. The activities begin and end with warm and cool comments about what they have been learning as we encourage Deadly sports behaviour.  


Year Three - Six

We have been working hard on running and fitness. Keith Howden the Clifton Hill athletics coach and school basketball coach has been working hard with the upper school children on their general aerobic fitness. The children have really missed all the running and activity at school so it has been a priority for the whole school.


The 5/6s have also been playing a chosen sports on Friday afternoons and some small local games have been organised against Fitzroy Community School at lunchtimes. These games are limited in size to 10 children as with Department of Education Sporting Guidelines.