A message from Leon

A Message from Leon

Kii everyone,


We are in the last few weeks of the 2020 school year. 


When I start to reflect on 2020, I see how much everyone have learned about themselves and each other.  Some of my reflections recently have been:

  • Things don’t always turn out the way you planned
  • There are things that go wrong and thing that don’t
  • Things don’t get put back together as they were before
  • You can get through bad times
  • There are people who love you no matter what


As a school we worked through all the challenges of 2020 as a community.  I would like to thank all the staff, support agencies, cleaners and so many others who assisted us to keep the school running.


However, we could not have achieved the amount of learning from the children without the support of our parents and guardians.   Thank you for your energy and efforts with your (and in some cases other children) during this time.  I know that it’s been frustrating for many families not being able to come onsite right now but we appreciate your patience.


Staff are very busy assessing students for school reports and for 2021 planning.  There is a lot of work going on planning for 2021.  We are working on things such as grade structures and our focus for teaching and learning. Staffing, budgets and DET requirements have taken up a large amount of my time this term. 


We will announce all of our 2021 staffing and other information over the next couple of weeks.


I had the privilege of meeting many of our 2021 Foundation students and parents.  Transition has been challenging with the DET restrictions, but we have found ways of making it work.  Year 6’s will shortly have the opportunity to transition to their Secondary School as restrictions ease.


I personally would like to thank everyone for their ongoing encouragement, support and forgiveness this year.  I would also like to publicly thank Megan Noy (Assistant Principal) for her work and support this year.  We have sat down together many times this year and wondered how we were going to take on the next challenge. 


I wish you all the very best for a wonderful Christmas, a relaxing break and keep safe over the summer.


Leon Bell
