Arlington Art - 

Kindergarten and Peppercorns

By Debrah Brinkworth

The Treehouse Studio

The parts become the whole (Peppercorns)


The Peppercorns are working simultaneously on three different projects. Two of these projects require a great deal of collaboration. The third, requiring equal measures of cooperation and teamwork. They are busy revisiting and completing the artwork they started in Term One; 30 artists creating a collaborative artwork for their classroom that reflects who they are as individuals and works as one unified piece.

The second collaborative endeavour has been to design and paint the curtain to be unveiled at their Valedictory dinner, some six years from now. They have had many discussions about what the theme should be. Their ability to share their ideas and create conceptual drawings has been fruitful and we are looking forward to getting the first brushstrokes of paint laid down.


The final piece is a screen print design expressing what Preshil means to the children as individuals. This project focuses on an understanding of positive and negative space and the challenging technique of paper cut stencils.


Good clean mud- also known as clay (The Kindergarten)

The Kindergarten are focusing on how we use nature and its resources to create and express ideas. Clay is our chosen medium to explore and manipulate. So far we have investigated where clay comes from and some of its properties. They have created some small vessels made by rolling out slabs of clay and draping it over a rock chosen from their playground, in order to create and understand how clay can change its properties. The exploration has also provided a meaningful context through which the children have developed both gross and fine motor skills. The children experimented with mark making, creating impressions in the clay using natural objects found in the yard. 



Debrah Brinkworth

Art Specialist for 

Kindergarten and Peppercorns