The Lighthouse - 5s 


The Central Idea we have been exploring for our Unit of Inquiry this term is ‘Imagination can be shared through storytelling’. During this inquiry the children have been exploring the concepts of imagination and stories. They have inquired into the features of stories and will soon start exploring the different ways stories can be shared. They will also inquire into what part our imagination plays in creating stories and what techniques storytellers use to make their stories “come alive” for the reader. In the coming weeks the children will be given opportunities to find out about and experience many different ways stories can be told such as through puppets, role play and play making. The children will have the opportunity to create their own plays, during which they will self-select their character, create their own costume and props and will be able to apply what they have learned about storytelling techniques to their own performances. 



The Lighthouse children are in the thick of their final PlayWorlds for the year. The book we are sharing for our PlayWorlds is Rapunzel, a version of the Grimm Brothers story dating back to 1812. We have changed the story quite a bit to help challenge stereotypes as well as to help address our learning outcomes. The STEM goal for this PlayWorlds will be to use and explore a range of materials in order to create design solutions. We will also explore the features of this narrative which will link with this term’s unit of inquiry. 

We have been using our time machine to head back in time to Once Upon a Time Land in order to visit and interact with the characters. We are at the point in the story where Rapunzel’s first escape plan has failed and she has now thought of her plan B. Will it be successful? Let’s hope so! 


The Lighthouse children were very excited to reconnect with their Biggies this term. After two long terms away from each other the children were very excited to once again get to spend some time together. The Biggies have been helping with our unit of inquiry by sharing stories with us and also collaborating with us in order to create our own stories. 

Bush School

Bush school continues to be a highlight for many of us in the Lighthouse. The fact that we get to share this time with the Kinder children has made it all the more special. Last week we were fortunate enough to have some cool weather, which meant we were able to get the campfire going. If only there were some marshmallows present! 


Moving on Up

With our year together in the Lighthouse drawing to a close, we have started discussing the move up to the Lofties. We were very happy to hear that the Lofties do PlayWorlds and also that we will be able to work on the cubbies in Hut Alley as well. We have started writing a list of questions that we have about the Lofties that we will need to investigate in order to get some answers. 



Clinton Morgan 

The Fives Classroom Teachers