Media & Marketing

FN mentions in the media, the latest marketing tools and ShopFN branded giftware

Starts at 60: First steps when selling your home



Starts at 60 asked First National Real Estate for its tips on how seniors should start the process when they need to sell their home. Chief Executive Ray Ellis provided a comprehensive list of considerations, which undoubtedly puts our agents high on the list when over-60s in your area decide to sell. More…

RADIO: ABC Gold Coast


Rob Rollington of FN Surfers Paradise (Qld)  talked to ABC Gold Coast radio about the reasons why agents conduct regular inspections of rental properties.

Golden Plains Times: Awards win on the local market



FN Golden Plains (Bannockburn, Vic) landed great editorial in the Golden Plains Times covering the office’s GEM Awards recently. The office took home awards in multiple categories ‘showing the dedication and commitment to achieving the best results for our clients’ said principal, Tammy Miller. More…


FN sponsored CoreLogic market updates



Have you shared this month’s First National sponsored CoreLogic update with your customers? 


You can share via Facebook, Instagram, or embed the video within a blog post on your website. You could even send an email to your customer database. 


Download from FN Central here…


How to do a blog post using Information Express



Did you miss last week’s webinar on how to use Information Express to create a blog post and then extend its reach?


Click the above image to catch up now.

Celebrating Eid