Year 5 News

We made it to the end of a very busy and successful term! The teachers are very impressed with how well the students settled into Year 5. With so many fun and new challenges that were faced, from NAPLAN to Swimming Carnival, meeting the buddies to completing 2 learning tasks. This term has had it all.


Thanks to Mrs Graham, the Year 5s students thoroughly enjoyed learning robotics with the Lego Robotic Kits. They coded and built little mechanisms that spun around. We look forward learning more with the coding and being able to create more advanced builds.


Buddy Easter Activity


Is there a better way to end the term than spending quality craft time with your prep buddies? Based off the smiles, laughter and general positivity around the senior learning centre, the Year 5s had a blast creating Easter baskets and Easter Bunny ears for their Prep buddies. You may even see the ears make an appearance in the final assembly.

Unit of Inquiry

The teachers were blown away with the 18th century letters/dairy entries written by the students for their Unit of Inquiry work. 


For writing this week, the students thoroughly enjoyed learning all about haiku poetry. Please enjoy reading some excellent examples from the children.


Gold leaves fall from trees                               

Autumns here I'm happy to say

Leaf blowers out and ready 

  • Jimmy


The wet seasons here

The roads are flooding with rain 

Watch your step you'll slip

  • Zoe


Summer is so hot

Surfing past the pink coral

I see lots fish 

  • Madison


Congratulations to all the students for completing their first term of Year 5. We hope you have a well-deserved and rested break.