Prep News

Congratulations Preps!

The Prep teachers would like to congratulate the Prep students on such a wonderful start to their first year at school.  


We are so proud of the progress they have made since starting school ten weeks ago!  The children are showing more confidence, independence and have settled into the daily routines of school life.  They are developing their work habits and learning to follow the rules agreed upon in our class 'Essential Agreement'.  It has been lovely to see so many new friendships blossom throughout the term. 


We are most impressed when we see the Prep children treat their teachers and classmates with respect and kindness.  Well done on a very successful Term 1 Preps.  Keep being 'great mates' to all your friends at school!  


We wish all the Prep families a happy and safe Easter break!

Easter Buddy Activity

It was so wonderful to be able to meet with our Year 5 buddies for some Easter craft! The Prep children all had a lot of fun decorating and making bunny ears and Easter baskets. The Easter activities were made even more special by having the Year 5 buddies help the Preps with all the tricky bits! 

The bunny ears will make a special appearance on Friday afternoon at Term 1's final assembly.


Reading with the Year 5 Buddies

The Preps have had a lot of fun getting together with their Year 5 buddies to do some reading after lunch on a Thursday. 

The Year 5 buddies all borrowed a picture story book from the library especially to read to their Prep buddies and then the Preps had a go at reading their home reading book to their older buddy. It is so lovely to watch the older children help and guide the Preps and to watch the special relationships form. We feel very lucky to have this time together.

Show and Tell

The Prep children have all thoroughly enjoyed bringing in a special item from home to share with their class as part of Show and Tell. 

Show and Tell is a valuable introduction to public speaking, equally important is the listening component, where the Preps are encouraged to listen carefully and ask appropriate questions. So far, the Preps have been asked to bring in something from home. We find that by speaking about something familiar, children feel more confident when speaking in front of the class. 

Next Term, we will be asking the Preps to bring in items related to our Unit of Inquiry.

Learner Profile Awards

Well done to the Prep students that received certificates for being Caring, Risk Takers, Principled and Knowledgeable during our Prep assembly last week!

New Playground

The Prep children have been so excited to play on and explore the brand-new play equiptment on the Wood Street side of the school.  They are very grateful that this area has been designated as part of their play space during recess and lunch times.  The Preps have even been out for some extra play time when all their learning is finished!