Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families


Welcome back to school as we head into second term.  Staff were here on Monday and spent the time planning for the upcoming term.  We also spent some time looking at our school wide focus around The Resilience Project.  This term we have a lot planned – in addition to a focused teaching and learning program.  This is inclusive of:

  • Year four camp
  • Year six camp
  • Various excursions
  • Mother’s Day stall
  • The rescheduled Fun Run
  • Parent teacher interviews
  • School photos

And that is just the start!



Community Picnic

This fabulous event was held towards the end of first term – at least the weather was kinder to us this year than it was in 2022, and lots of people had a great deal of fun.  There were lots of different activities to participate in and students had involvement in the selection of their class stall.  We have provided you with further                                                                                                  photos of this event later in the newsletter                                                                                              under the School News tab.                                                                               

School Uniforms

A reminder that all students are required to be in full school uniform each and every day they are at school – inclusive of all black shoes.  However, in terms two and three students are not required to wear hats when working and playing outside.  Parents note:  we have several second hand uniform items – mostly windcheaters – available for sale in the front office.  We are asking for a gold coin donation for each item people select.  These are available on a first come, first served basis, from today until next Wednesday.  



School photo day  

2023 School photos which are scheduled for Thursday, May 4 and Friday May 5.  Envelopes to enable parents to order these were sent home with students on the last day of first term.  

IMPORTANT: Photo envelopes are to be returned to your child's teacher on the day your child is scheduled to have their photo taken, however, to assist families to plan for this you can return them to school ahead of time and we will keep them for photo day.

Payment instructions can be found on your child's envelope (online payment is preferred by the Photo company).

 If you would also like your children to have sibling photos, please ensure you collect an envelope from the front office. Note:  this offer extends only to siblings who are current students of WVPS.  

 Please do not hesitate to contact the office should you have any further queries, below is a copy of the schedule.

Choose your preferred family language for our Newsletter

Families can choose their preferred language to read our newsletter. Scroll down to the bottom of any page to see the 'select language' drop down box. Click on the arrow and choose your language!  Maybe you can show friends who would benefit from receiving these notices in a language other than English.



Fun Run

As you would be aware, thunderstorms and heavy rain meant that the fun run had to be postponed from its original date last term.  This has now been rescheduled for next Wednesday, May 3.  Further details are provided below:  we encourage you to take note of these to ensure a smooth running of the event.  We will be holding the School Fun Run as a major fundraising event this year on Wednesday 3rd of May!

About the Day 

The School Fun-Run BIG SHOW is all about Fun! There will be huge inflatables, and you will get to meet Chase the Cheetah! Think of it as a Fun Run carnival! This will be one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim, so please make sure they attend on the day and cheer the other kids on! Make sure to come in your house colours and wear suitable shoes for running.


Timetable for the day:

  • Session 1 and 2: Foundation, Grade 1’s and 2’s
  • The Grade 1’s will be running first at 9:00am 
  • Foundation will be running at 9:30am 
  • Grade 2’s will be running at 10:00am

Session 3 and 4: Grade 3-6 

  • Grade 3’s will be running at 11:00am
  • Grade 5’s will be running at 11:30am
  • Grade 4’s will be running first at 12:00pm 
  • Grade 6’s at 12:30  





Building and grounds

We continue to work to improve the school facilities for students.  Our next investment will be in new blinds in each of our newer portables.  





Enrolment for school - 2024

Enrolments for the 2024 school year have now opened and parents can collect an enrolment form from the front office or download one from our website.  Under the new department guidelines it is hoped that enrolment forms for foundation enrolments next year are lodged with the school prior to Friday, July 28. 


School Council Update

At our School Council Annual Reporting, and election of office bearer meetings on Thursday, March 30, office bearers for 2023/24 were elected. Ms Sharon Gatt has been re-elected as President and Mrs Katrina Volkerts has been re-elected Vice President. Our community representative, Mr David Sivaraj is the convener of our finance subcommittee.   At the reporting meeting, Council discussed and endorsed our 2022 Annual Report to the                                                  School Community. This report will be uploaded to our school                                                      website for parents to view.  


Sshhhh…Mothers’ Day stall

Advance notice for dad – or anyone other than Mum!  Our wonderful PFA are holding a Mothers’ Day staff on May 11 and 12 as a service to our school community.  You will be notified of the day your child’s class is booked to attend closer to the time.  Gifts will range in price from $1 – 6.  This will be a great opportunity for students to purchase something special for mum or other special adult in their lives.  Students will need to bring a bag to transport their shopping home in:  preferably one mum can’t see into!  If you are able to assist with running the stall on either day please leave your name at the front office.  



Enjoy  the upcoming weekend everyone.  


Kind regards 

Sue Seneviratne
