Assistant Principal
Megan Franklyn
Assistant Principal
It is hard to believe that it is already the end of Term 1 and what a vibrant and busy place Kingswood has been this term!
Some highlights of the term have been NAPLAN in years 3 and 5, swimming events, Stomp Dance incursions, Year 2 excursion to the Aquarium, Year level expos on topics as diverse as Natural Disasters, Under the Sea and Machines and of course the daily teaching and learning that is part of everyday school life.
We wish you all a safe and happy term break and look forward to seeing everyone back well rested and ready for an equally busy term 2. Remember that the first day of term 2 for students is Wednesday 26th April. On the Monday we have a curriculum day where our teachers will be learning about the big ideas in Maths and the use of a manipulative called 'Numicon' in supporting mathematical conceptual understanding. On Tuesday it is the ANZAC Day public holiday.
SunSmart Policy continues until the end of April. A reminder that our SunSmart Policy still requires children to have hats in the playground until the end of April (which is the first week of term 2) this is line with Department of Education recommendations that sun protection measures should be used when UV index levels are 3 or above.
Congratulations to Kara Bogicevic and Leo our therapy dog. As many of you will remember last year’s colour run was fundraising for our therapy dog program. Our dynamic duo have now officially passed their 3 day Level 2 certification training course. It can’t be stressed enough what a challenging process this has been for both Kara and Leo. We look forward to seeing the impact that Kara and Leo have on improving our student’s wellbeing throughout the remainder of the year.
New staff
We are thrilled to have successfully employed a new staff member, Kelli Kirby, who will be joining our inclusion team to work in our classrooms with our students and teachers. Kelli starts at the beginning of term 2 and will be a great asset to the team.
Australian Dental Van visit
The Australian Dental Health Van will be here beginning in week 1 of next term. For all eligible students who returned the documentation, visits will occur during this time. They may also continue for the following week as it is such as short week.