Interschool Sport Update

BSC Ambassadors in Sport

Jarrod Warmington

Sport Coordinator


BSC Senior and Middle School students showcased their athletic prowess as they competed in the interschool sports event held in the early weeks of this term. These events saw participation from several schools in the region including Princes Hill Secondary College, University High School, Richmond High School, Fitzroy High School and Melbourne Girls College with our students competing in range of sports.  


Intermediate Soccer - Girls
Senior Soccer - Girls
Senior Soccer - Girls
Intermediate Soccer - Girls
Senior Soccer - Girls
Senior Soccer - Girls
Team Result 
Senior AFL - Boys Third 
Senior AFL - Girls Second 
Senior Soccer – Boys Third 
Senior Soccer – Girls Third 
Senior Boys/Mixed Badminton Second 
Intermediate Soccer - Girls First 
Intermediate Soccer - Boys Second 
Intermediate AFL - Girls Second 
Intermediate AFL - Boys First 
Intermediate Boys - Badminton Third 
Intermediate Girls - Badminton Third 
Intermediate Girls - Netball Third 

Overall, the BSC students participating in the interschool sports events competed very well, showcasing their sporting talents and spirit of sportsmanship.,  

We congratulate the students on their performance and applaud their efforts in making the school proud. 


Jack Torosidis 


Our Intermediate Girls Soccer team competed in the round robin competition against Melbourne Girls(B), Richmond, Princess Hill and Melbourne Girls (A), winning all four games 7-1, 3-0, 2-0, 2-0 respectively. Each girl played every minute of every game, as we did not have any substitutes available to us. They now progress to the next phase of the competition to be played later in the year. Amazing job girls! 



Sally Goss

Middle School Leader


Melaine Blair

Teacher - Health & PE


What a great day out with the year 9 girls intermediate AFL team!  The team played four matches, leaving University High School, Princes Hill High School, and Richmond High School all scoreless. 


Their toughest opponent was Melbourne Girls College, who were also undefeated. The team worked tirelessly and were able to match it with them for most of the game. Unfortunately, BSC had only 17 players, so with no substitutes we ran out of steam and lost in a skilful game. All of our players demonstrated excellent teamwork, positivity, and  high skill levels and the team are congratulated for the manner and spirit in which they conducted themselves through all of their matches. 


Thank you to Aaliyah Malik, Esodia Skapetis and Michaela Chauloub for coaching and supporting the team.