Principal Team's Report 

'Creating Futures Together' 

Welcome to Term 2. 

We hope everybody had a wonderful and refreshing break and got to spend some quality time with friends and family. Hopefully, you have had an opportunity to have a look at your child’s reports, congratulate them on their achievements in Term 1 and reflect on how they did overall.

Thank you - Learning and Wellbeing Conferences

Thank you to all those families that were able to engage with the College on Thursday evening’s Learning and Wellbeing Conferences. It is always a pleasure for us to catch up with families and discuss the single most important part of our jobs, the teaching and learning of your child.

What's happening in Term 2 

While it is a shorter term, there is a lot to be packed into it. Our VCE students will undertaking the GAT on June 15 (a mere 5 weeks away), the College Production of ‘SpongeBob: The Musical’ goes into full production mode for its premiere in August, Years 10 and 11 will complete exams and the Year 10s will be on Work Experience for the final week of the term. The Work Experience program is a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience real-life workplaces and try working in an area they might be considering as their future pathway. We strongly encourage all students to be involved.

Important Changes in Middle School 

There are some important changes that will be occurring in the following weeks. Mr. Jeremy Woods will be on leave until the end of Term 2. He will be replaced by Mr. Ben Shepherd, who will take the mantle of Middle Years Leader for the duration of his leave. We also welcome Ms. Marie Badoche as the Year 7 Learning and Wellbeing Leader until the end of Term 2.

Welcome Bridene!

We would also like to officially welcome Bridene Forrest to WHSC as our Business Manager with the retirement of Frida D’Costa-Kent at the end of last term. Bridene brings to us  many years of experience and she is a wonderful member of the General Office team already.

We look forward to seeing you all throughout the Term.

Andrew Dixon 

on behalf of the Principal Team