Year Five/Six News 

Virtual Canberra Week

Last week, the year 5/6s celebrated the end of their Integrated Studies unit on Government, with a series of virtual incursions, a Canberra landmark scavenger hunt and a Parliament role play sitting. 


We were lucky enough to be able to connect with MoAD (Museum of Australian Democracy) to show us around old parliament house and give us some further information about the history of Australia’s democratic and law making systems. The Parliamentary Education Office ran a session, giving us some insights into the purposeful design of New Parliament House as well as outlining the rights and responsibilities of being active and informed citizens. On Thursday, we met with the Australian War Memorial who highlighted the history of war in Australia and the impacts it has had on Australians. 

A highlight of the week was most definitely our Parliament role plays. Students took on the roles of Mr/Madam Speaker, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Prime Minister, Opposition Leader, Minister for Education, Shadow Minister for Education, as well as a variety of other roles, to debate and go through the steps of passing a bill within the House of Representatives. 

Here are a couple of short clips of some different sections during our role plays. We might even have some future politicians on our hands!