In Term 2 there were a wide variety of programs for students. These included the Year 7 Peer Support Positivity and Resilience Day, Red Shield Appeal and ANZAC day services.
Year 7 Peer Support Program
This came to a close for another year this term. Over Semester 1 the 36 peer support leaders have worked hard to help integrate the year 7 students into high school life. It has been a great two terms filled with fun and friendship.
Chaplaincy Fundraising Dinner
Thank you to everyone who supported the Annual Chaplaincy Spit Roast Dinner on Friday 30 May. It was held in the School VCE centre, an excellent location for a night of fun and celebration. On the night we were entertained by the Kew High School musicians and served by students and SRC leaders. The dinner was generously supported by local businesses in Kew that donated thousands of dollars worth of prizes for the auction and raffle. Thank you again to everyone who helped make the dinner a huge success. Special thanks to the Chaplaincy Committee, and also, Lynette Carter and her team, who organised the stall. The Dinner was a wonderful evening full of music, food and community. Watch out for the event next year.
Junior School Leaders Fundraise
Well done to the Junior School leaders who worked together with the chaplain to raise funds for the Salvos. A collection to raise funds was conducted by the leaders during May.
Kew High School Remembers the ANZACS
As the chaplain I had the privilege this year to work with the year 12 leaders and the Kew High School musicians to coordinate a whole school ANZAC commemoration service. The Service was led by School Captains Paul Paxinos and Ruby Hooke and was attended by the Mayor of Boroondara Coral Ross, Cotham Ward Councillor Judith Voce, Victoria Police Youth Resource Officer Sue Andrews, past student Corporal Sam Hines and representatives from Kew and East Kew Bendigo Bank, School Council and the Chaplaincy Committee.
Theatre Productions are a Great Way to Learn
This term we had the opportunity to have three great productions at the school. The Hurting Game for Year 8 focused on Cybersafety. Wired for Year 11 focused on stress and mental illness. We also had Verbal Combat for Year 7, which focused on bullying. Students love learning in this creative way.
If you would like to find out more about school chaplaincy or are willing to become involved with the chaplaincy committee or as a volunteer in the second-hand uniform and book shop, please contact the school chaplain.
Rosemary Carter
School Chaplain