A huge thank you to all, for making Work Experience 2014 such a success. It ran very smoothly. This was an excellent opportunity for our students to trial what employment is all about. Most of our students eagerly ventured into the local community in search of their dream job; many found this experience rewarding, yet others found it a challenge. On their return, students were very eager to share their stories. Students had many and varied placements, from small family run businesses, to large companies. Some designed posters, roamed the golf course, helped repair cars, chose costumes, worked with animals, served customers, the list goes on. The feedback received from both employers and teaching staff who visited our students was very positive. Many employers commented on how mature, polite and hard-working our students were; some were offered part-time jobs! Congratulations year 10 students on completing work experience so successfully.
Elena Tsaveas
Work Experience Coordinator
A select group of year 10 students attended the Swinburne Tertiary Aspirations Program on Thursday 19 June. Swinburne provided a wide range of different university courses such as: Building/Landscaping, Accounting and Finance, Electro Technology, Sports Science, Health and Pathology along with many others. When students arrived, they were broken up into different groups depending on what course they had decided to attend.
The first course I attended was Building/Landscaping where we were taught to lay bricks and then had a project to build a wall. Following this, most of our group attended the Accounting/Finance workshop. With an extremely well planned presentation, the lecturer captured students’ attention from the start. He spoke about the importance that Accounting has in our everyday lives.
After a light snack, most of the Kew High School students attended a Horticulture workshop where they were lucky enough to learn about the study of plants. During their workshop I was attending an Electro Technology workshop where we learnt about the different types of electrical circuits and were given the opportunity to follow the given instructions and diagrams to make our own electrical circuits.
After lunch, the majority of Kew High School students attended a Sports Science course which didn't just focus on Sports Science itself, but other areas of sport like Sports Psychology. Again there was a very informative presentation.
We then moved on to a Health and Pathology course where we were taught about what a pathologist does. She spoke about the fact that Pathology is a dying industry, which means that there are plenty of jobs in pathology.
I'm extremely thankful to Ms Tsaveas for organising this, and to Mr Lucca for accompanying us.
The Swinburne Tertiary Aspirations Program is run by Swinburne University in conjunction with Foundation Boroondara. Foundation Boroondara is a charitable trust dedicated to building a spirit of community in Boroondara. Funding comes from the Federal Government's Higher Education Participation and Partnership Program.
Gabriel Trevan
Year 10