Celebrating another Successful Year

 This year was a low-key awards day for our Academy but nonetheless, we still needed to celebrate the 2021 year and our award winners. There were some kind, genuine, and caring words shared by our staff, the school staff and our Academy boys who are grateful for the support they receive from Clontarf. Congratulations to all the award winners and all our academy boys for a wonderful year. We are all super proud of Kai, Yaaron, Casey and Jakob, our Year 12 graduates and wish them all the best for what may lie ahead in the years to come.


Grant Schubert

KHS Clontarf Academy Director




Well done to all,


It makes me extremely proud to see our KHS students proud to wear the uniform and  I'd like to wish all of our Aboriginal Yr 12 students good luck in their future ventures.

I would like to thank the Macleay Valley Local AECG Aunty Caroline, Alfy, Ameilia, Aboriginal Education Team and Kempsey High Staff for the 10 nominations for Local Nanga Mai award, which were all successful in receiving an award. 


Georgie Murphy