Student of the Week Awards Presented 5/11/21

Alyrah W. - 00L

This award goes to Alyrah for her fabulous work in her Writing this week. She has been practising forming her letters to the correct size on the dotted lines and resting all her letters on the base line. Alyrah you are a Scoresby Superstar! 

Jake K. - 1/2D

Jake is receiving this award for his excellent efforts during writing this week. Jake wrote a letter to his Mum in an attempt to convince her to get his favourite food, dumplings, for dinner this weekend. Jake supported his opinion on why dumplings are so delicious by providing reasons and using clever persuasive language such as “I can’t wait to eat dumplings with you Mum!”. Well done Jake! Keep up the great work.

Hayden A. - 1/2F

Hayden is receiving this award for his positive return to school and for consistently demonstrating the HEART values. This week he showed the HEART value of Excellence when he used a range of strategies to subtract a 2-digit number from a larger 2-digit number. Hayden challenged himself and took extra effort to make sure his work was neat Well done, Hayden! Keep up the great work!

James R. - 1/2K

This week’s student of the week award goes to James for such an amazing return to on site school learning. James has come into school every day showing all our Scoresby values, but especially excellence and respect. James is demonstrating he is really ready to step up into Year Three. Well done James!

Bailey C. - 3/4C

The 3/4C award goes to Bailey for the effort he showed towards his PONT tasks this week. Bailey looked at the different clue cards around the school and matched it to the clues on his task sheet by using his knowledge of place value. Once he was finished, Bailey then ordered his numbers from largest to smallest and smallest to largest. Well done Bailey, I am so proud of you!

Noah N. - 3/4E

Over the past two weeks during our PONT maths sessions, Noah has shown a great understanding of the place value system. He applied his knowledge of place value during a number scavenger hunt, where he correctly matched each number found to a given clue. For example, when Noah found the number 9218 he matched it with the clue ‘there is a 2 in the hundreds place’. Amazing effort Noah, you should be so proud of all of your hard work!

Milla W. - 3/4S

Milla is congratulated on using the HEART value of Excellence in everything she does. Milla completed all of her work during remote learning to a very high standard, including details in her work to show her understanding. Milla has been learning to make connections while she is reading, which has helped to improve the level of comprehension she has when reading. Well done Milla.

Stanley L. - 5/6B

Stanley has shown a massive improvement in his work ethic and attitude towards school. It’s been fantastic to see Stanley showing such enthusiasm towards writing and listening attentively on the floor. He has been remaining focused and concentrating on his work at his table. I have been so impressed! Keep up the great work Stanley!

Riley H. - 5/6M

This award goes to Riley for the wonderful reflection piece he completed in writing this week. Riley put a lot of thought into the positives and negatives of remote learning and what he is looking forward to for the rest of the year such as meeting his 2022 Foundation Buddy. The care and detail Riley took with this piece was very impressive. Keep up all the great work you are doing Riley!

Timothy L. - 5/6W

For his hardworking and persistent attitude towards all aspects of his learning. This week, Timothy has actively engaged in all class discussions without prompting. He has eagerly shared his understanding of key concepts in Reading and Maths with his peers. Wonderful effort Timothy! Keep up the great work!

Mia A. - Visual Arts

I have just discovered that Mia regularly uses google images and art videos to extend her art skills at home. During Remote Learning Mia used a colour picture of a mouth to create a pencil drawing of the same image. WOW Mia! Your realistic drawing is absolutely outstanding. I am thrilled that you practise and extend your art skills at home.

Alisha W. - Mandarin

This award acknowledges and congratulates Alisha for being an enthusiastic learner in Mandarin this week. While we were learning to say "fruit" words, she had a go doing the actions. She did the actions for 'apple' while saying the word in Mandarin. Mr. Hung is looking forward to you doing the actions again next time he sees you.

Steven R. - Performing Arts

Congratulations to Steven for this week’s Performing Arts award. Steven is always a valuable member of our class ensemble, playing multiple parts with accuracy and fluency. Well done Steven!