Education in Faith 

Sue Lema

Dear St Anthony families,


It has been an extremely busy time for our students who have participated in receiving the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation.


On Sunday, the 14th of November, the Year 4 students received the Sacrament of Eucharist. It was a lovely afternoon where we were finally able to gather together to listen to the Word of God and partake in receiving the Body of Christ. The students did an amazing job and participated with reverence and awe.


Last night, the St Anthony's Church housed a thriving Catholic community gathered to listen to Auxiliary Bishop Anthony Ireland’s stirring homily.  He spoke of the ‘Divine Wifi’ and how we need to actively ‘tap the apps’ to open and fully participate in the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Not only did our students receive the Blessed Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Ireland, but our Year 5 children also had the honour to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist. It was truly a special and powerful evening and a privilege to have been able to witness our St Anthony children continuing along their faith journeys. Please keep our children in your prayers.


Advent Social Justice Drive

As of next week, our Social Justice students will lead a Social Justice Drive to gather donations of personal care items. These items will be used to create Personal Care Packs which will be distributed through Tony’s Cafe to support those in need during this Season of Advent and Christmas. More details will follow in the coming days. 


Yours In Faith

Sue Lema