Success Stories
Achievement Awards
Congratulations to the following students who won an award at Assembly:
William W (FM), Georgia C (FN), Vida C (FJ), Cooper B (FF), Alexander C (1D), Russell M (2C), Thomas R (2H), James D (2B), Max M (2DW), Skye M (3B), Kevin B (3C), Marcus C (3N), Andy C (4L), Danilo S and Grace M (5M), Chloe C and Tom D (5S), Jack H (6W), Larissa M (6J), Abigail B (Art), Trinity S (LOTE), Anton G (Sport & PE)
Community Champions
Two of our staff, Mr Small & Mr Jenkins, are participating in the Oxfam 100km Trailwalker challenge over the holidays. The challenge raises funds for the vital work that Oxfam carries out in developing countries.
As part of their fundraising they are holding a Movie night, which may interest families, to see Beauty & the Beast. It's on Saturday 25 March at 6pm at the Cameo Cinema in Belgrave. Tickets must be purchased online via the link (see below). All tickets are single tickets and you can purchase combine ticket and food packages as well. If you require further information please contact Mr Small.( or Mr Jenkins ( directly via email.
Little Athletics Victoria - State Championships
Congratulations to Jordan G. for competing in the Little Athletics Victoria - State Championships.
Jordan won medals in the following events:
Under 10's - 200m Sprint - Gold Medal
Under 10's - 100m Sprint - Silver Medal
Under 10's - 70m Sprint - Silver Medal
Well Done Jordan, we are very proud of you!