Payment Options
Qkr Online Competetion - And the Winner is...............
Thank you to every one that entered the Qkr Online Competition.
Congratulations to the following families, who have each won a Hoyts Family Movie voucher. The voucher includes 4 x tickets, 4 x small popcorns, 4 x drinks & 4 x chocolates.
Winner 1 - Aiden B (2H)
Winner 2 - Hayden P (5S)
Enjoy the Movies!
Qkr - Preferred Payment Method
- If you haven't already, please download the Qkr App on to your phone or device, as it is our preferred payment method for all school activities.
- Permission slips for excursions can be filled in on Qkr. Please make sure you fill out the permission slip for the correct student.
Payment Envelopes
Just a reminder that all payments should be directed to the Office and not through the classroom.
A Secure Drop box is now in the office where payments and notices can be dropped.