MY School Captain Report
Throughout this term, the Middle Years School Captains having been working with our fellow Sport and Performing Arts Captains to organise upcoming events and our end of term assembly.
In the start of the term we attended our third school council meeting where we discussed events happening in this term and later on in the year such as our sooty day, which happened on Friday the 14th September and our very exciting fun run/cross country. Attending these school council meetings has really helped us all grow and we got the experience of taking our leadership skills further.
On Friday the 14th September we had our Sport Day and taking part in running activities throughout the day such as dodgeball on the basketball court which we are very excited about. We are also looking forward to the fun run/cross country we are having later in the year where we worked and are continuing to work with the Middle Years SRC representatives.
Finally, we are beginning to prepare for our end of term assembly, our second last assembly at the Lakes for us Year 9’s.
SRC Report
On Wednesday the 12th of September the Years 7 and 8 SRC and the Year 9 School Captains attended an SRC cluster meeting at the Edge Centre at Westfield. Whittlesea Secondary and Hazel Glen College SRC members also attended this meeting and we all got to learn different leadership skills and hear ideas from everyone. The day was run by Dave from Second Strike and he really influenced becoming a different type of leader, a type of leader that is humble and accepting and helped us all get to know each other and bond with different students. We all had a really fun day.
We have been busy planning the Sport Day that will be held on the 14th September. It has been great working with the Sport Captains and we hope it will be a positive day where we see everyone dressed up in their sport colours.
EY School Captains and SRC Term 3 Report.
There has been a lot happening during Term 3 and lots of things still to come in the last week and of Term 4. We successfully hosted the footy and sports colours day at school. All of the Early Years leaders and SRC members hosted sporting activities at lunchtime and enjoyed dressing up.
The SRC successfully ran the jeans for jeans campaign this term and we loved celebrating book week. It was impressive to see everyone in their costumes, especially the teachers who made a huge effort this year. The theme for this year’s book week was ‘find your treasure’. The year fours have been busy finding their ‘good fit book’ this term. This has tied in nicely with the book week theme. The early years students were are also keen to check out the Middle Years science expo.
Our students have been busy collecting five cent pieces for a school fundraising activity. We are all looking forward to seeing which year level has collected the most coins. Next week our Early Years Celebration of Learning night is coming up. Everyone is very excited to display all our work for parents and the wider community to see.
This term, rehearsals have been well underway for the school production. We have been practicing our songs and dances for ‘Forever, Shrek the Musical’. Aimee and Jayne and the Middle Years team have been doing a fantastic job organising and teaching the early years musical and dance numbers. The production is on 23rd-24th October.
Our wonderful SRC members have collected some learning highlights from the term, which we will share with you now:
In Preps, they have been enjoying counting, 3D shapes, making toys, writing, learning about rockets, PMP and inquiry.
In year one, the have enjoyed learning about addition in maths, and loved their fun Inquiry project. They also really enjoyed learning on the playground to demonstrate their location words. One of their highlights was the year one dinner, especially eating pizza and playing pass the parcel.
The year twos have been enjoying learning about division, writing narratives, colour poems and multiplication. They are very excited about the year two sleep over.
The year threes had an amazing time at camp. Some of the highlights have were the giant swing, archery and survival skills.
In year four, we have been busy creating poetry portfolios and writing historical narratives that tie in with our inquiry unit on Australian History. We have been busy learning about division, fractions and time in maths. We created some amazing fraction art, which is on display in our pods. We were also thrilled to have a local indigenous elder come and share a dreamtime story with us about the Southern Cross.
We can’t wait to share more exciting school highlights next term and represent the Lakes Values.
Hansikaa, Abbey, Shiva & Ben.