Mission & Identity

Fr Jim blessing the ashes to be used for Ash Wednesday liturgies

  • Ash Wednesday
  • First Chapel Mass
  • Sunday Evening Youth Mass
  • Pancake Tuesdays
  • Project Compassion

St Pius X College marks Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday 2020 saw students across the school involved in various Masses and Liturgies to mark this solemn occasion. Students from Years 5 and 9 attended the Caritas launch of Project Compassion at a combined Mass with Our Lady of Dolours Primary and Mercy College. St Pius' involvement included the band and choir, along with readers, servers and Eucharistic Ministers. After lunch, the remaining year groups held liturgies where the meaning of Ash Wednesday was made apparent through scripture. Everyone received their mark of Ash, as a sign of our desire to become better people through giving up or taking up that which keeps us from having a meaningful relationship with God. Our regular alms-giving also commenced with the Project Compassion boxes visiting homeroom classes for the first time. We now look towards a time of prayer, giving and fasting in our preparation for the celebration of Easter.

First Chapel Mass

Shrove Tuesday was not only the day to sell pancakes at St Pius; it also marked the first of our College Chapel Masses. With the assistance of Mr Kovacic’s Year 7 RE 2 class, Fr Jim celebrated our Mass where he asked all present to be faithful to God even in testing times, using the example of World War II POW Louis Zamperini. Our Mass also saw Fr Jim bless the ashes that are to be used by St Pius and Mercy College for their respective liturgies to mark Ash Wednesday. A special thanks to Mr Kovacic for preparing his class for the readings and prayers, to Joel Chand (Year 11) who was the Minister of the Eucharist and, as always, Fr Jim for providing a faith-filled and enriching experience for all present.

Sunday Evening Youth Mass at Our Lady of Dolours

St Pius X College was represented at the monthly Youth Mass celebrated by Fr Jim Mckeon last Sunday evening. Thomas Fong (Year 10) and Douglas Daniels (Year 11) read the First Reading and Responsorial Psalm respectively. Liam Chang (Year 11) and Nicholas Ward (Year 11) assisted as Ministers of the Eucharist, while Luke McManus (Year 12) provided a summary of all the recent and upcoming events at St Pius for the parish.

St Pius have been asked to support the Youth Mass that occurs once a month, the next of which will be held on 22 March.

Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal, Mission & Identity

Pancake Tuesdays with The Edmund Rice Society


As the Lenten Season unfolds, the Edmund Rice Society will continue to run Pancake Tuesdays, every Tuesday of Lent, from Weeks 5 - 11. Pancakes and hash browns will be sold at Little Brother from 7:30 am – 8:30 am for a gold coin donation in support of the College’s Project Compassion Lenten Appeal.  Any students with an interest in Social Justice can join the Edmund Rice Society’s morning meetings on Friday, at 8:15 am in LC2.

Project Compassion - Go Further Together

The time has come for the SPX Project Compassion Lenten Appeal once again! This year’s theme is “Go Further Together”, highlighting Caritas Australia’s work in the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Malawi, India and Cambodia.  

Year 12 students, as well as Year 11 Eucharistic Ministers will lead collections in Homerooms starting next week.


Any families wishing to donate online can do so through the St Pius X College Caritas page: https://lent.caritas.org.au/spxchatswood .

Mr Ryan Balboa - Social Justice Coordinator