Dates to Remember
Friday 22nd - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - NO SCHOOL (Religious Education)
Monday 25th - 3/4 Incursion - Russell the Baker (9.30am - 11.00am)
Tuesday 26th - Fete Committee Meeting 7pm
Wednesday 27th - Prep 100 Days Celebration 2:45pm Liturgy. (Please note - no afternoon lytea)
Thursday 28th - Family Maths Night POSTPONED
Friday 29th - 5/6M - Class Mass (9.00am - 10.00am)
Monday 1st - Year 1&2 Zoo Excursion to Melbourne Zoo
Tuesday 2nd - School Advisory Council Meeting 5.15pm - 6.30pm
Thursday 4th - Official St John Vianney Feast day
Thursday 4th - Grade 4 Parent Camp meeting - Performing Arts Area - 2.30pm - 3.15pm
Friday 5th - School St John Vianney's Feast day Celebration KABOOM
Friday 5th - 3/4C Class Mass - At the Parish - 9.00am - 10.00am
Tuesday 9th - First Eucharist Preparation Evening - At the Parish - 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Friday 12th - 5/6 Hooptime Basketball
Friday 12th - 1/2FP Class Mass - At the Parish - 9.00am - 10.00am
Term Dates
Term 3 - July 11th - September 16th
Term 4 - October 3rd - December 16th
Closure Dates
- Friday 22nd July - Religious Education PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE
- Monday 31st October - Assessment Report Preparation (offsite)
- Monday 19th December - 2023 Handover Day (Student information discussion between this year and next year's teachers)
- Students' last day for the year is December 16th
Camp Dates
Year 6 Camp Phillip Island Adventure Camp
Tuesday, July 12th - Friday, July 15th
Year 4 Camp Sovereign Hill - Ballarat
Wednesday, August 31st - Friday, September 2nd
School/ Parish Mini Fete Day
Saturday 22nd October
Prep 2023 - Open Days
Prospective families are able to ring or email the school make a time to have a tour.