Bernadetta Martella

Wominjeka Everyone, 



I hope that everyone enjoyed their break and are looking forward to another term packed full of learning. Bernadetta is on a long overdue visit to her family. She will be back in week three. 


For any inquiries, please contact me, Andrea at oshc.brunswick.nw.ps@education.vic.gov.au. I will be stepping up as acting coordinator in Bernadetta’s absence.


Over the holidays, former Victorian MP for Brunswick, Jane Garrett, passed away, aged 49. Jane Garrett was a big supporter of our school and our school’s OSHC service. Jane would often remark how BNWPS is a “truly special place”. Jane was a fierce advocate for women and those most disadvantaged. She will be greatly missed.


Uncle Trevor visited us for Solstice celebrations at the end of the term. We enjoyed an acknowledgment of country and smoking ceremony in our beautiful Yakai Barring reserve. All the students and educators learned some new dance moves and connected to country through Trevor’s vast cultural knowledge.


Yarn Strong sista will have a pop-up shop in North Melbourne until August. Shop 54 Errol Street North Melbourne. Open Wed- Fri 11am – 5pm and Sat-Sun 11am – 4pm. Annette Sax, Taungurung artist, will have many beautiful craft items to explore. Naidoc week was during the school holidays, but we will be continuing the fun in our program by learning some new Aboriginal games. Many of the children might be surprised to learn we already play a lot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander games (down ball and footy)!




Reminders: For all new enrolments for term 3, please see the school’s website for further details. If your bookings have changed, please remember to send us through an email and we will update your bookings.

Lastly: Please take the time to mark your children absent if they won’t be attending an OSHC session. We need to chase up the where-abouts of every single child attending after school care. This can be a very stressful burden on our educators. We worry a lot! The app is best, but if you are having trouble, a call to the office or an SMS on our number will work too.

PROGRAM For week 1 of Term3 :


(*) a variety of cereals is offered (porridge, corn flakes, weet-bix, rice balls) and a selection of toast (wholemeal bread or fruit toast) with spreads (jam, butter, nuttlex or vegemite) is available every morning

(**) fruit and vegetable platters are offered every afternoon 

Please Note: Focus activity and menu are subjected to any changes

Pictures from last week’s program:
Tea Party: Japanese Tea Ceremony                         Coding Club with Brianna


Sealife fabric collage with Thelma Wooden Planks Creations – Racing Car Track








Be Safe