Diary Notes




- Thursday 19th September Italian Camp: Year 6’s 

- Friday 20th September: Young Bucks Basketball Sessions- Whole School  

- Friday 20th September: Last Day Term Three- 2:15 pm Finish 



- Monday 7th October: School Closure Day- Curriculum Focus  

- Friday 11th October: Division Athletics 

- Thursday 17th October: F-3 Wellbeing Session- Winton Wetlands Excursion 

- Saturday 19th October: Beechworth Bakery 40th Birthday School Stall  

- Saturday 19th October: Trivia Night 

- Monday 21st October: Parish Friends Morning Tea

# New- Thursday 24th and Thursday 31st October: Wildlife Incursion  

- Monday 4th November: School Closure Day- Curriculum Focus (TheirCare available at the Primary School) 

- Tuesday 5th November: Melbourne Cup Day Holiday 

- Monday 11th November: Remembrance Day