
In Wellbeing, the Junior students have been focusing on identifying safe and appropriate people to seek help from at home, in school and in the community. 

Time has been spent discussing how our body gives us signs when something is wrong or feels wrong. They have practised implementing the very important safety rule of, No, Go, Tell through discussions, role plays and the use of the Wellbeing puppets. The Junior students then made posters of our safe people – it was lovely to see the students identifying lots of people they could ask for help!

The Middle and Senior students have been working with a partner to read scenarios and decide if help was required and who would be the most suitable person to ask for help. This task provided important discissions about safety and help seeking. (The No, Go, Tell rule was also revised)

The students then learnt to plot problems on a Catastrophe scale from no problem to an emergency. It has been reiterated that the reaction should match the scale of the problem and staying calm by remembering our breathing- keeps a clear mind and allows us to make the best decisions in stressful situations. 

For the final session of the term, the Middle and Senior students loved practising a variety of strategies (breathing, grounding, stretching, moving, verbal and affirmations) to destress when they feel anxious. There was lots of excitement and laughter, and it was fantastic to hear students reflect on how full their buckets were at the end of the session!