Notes from the Principal

A Heartfelt Farewell to Mrs McNaughton
After over 45 years teaching, our Mrs McNaughton has made the decision to retire. Mrs McNaughton has been a proactive Cavendish PS Community member in many roles over the years, and we will miss her. BUT - she has promised to pop in and visit!
On behalf of us all, we wish you all the best Anne. Take care of yourself and Don, and enjoy a well deserved retirement. We are forever grateful to you for the support you have given Cavendish Primary School. Thank you to all who contributed towards a gift. We bought her a voucher from the Bridge Cafe, a voucher from Sacks Jewellers, a bird bath, a pair of new gardening gloves and some flowers.
Staffing for Term 4
We have not heard anything official from the Department in regards to Ms Ferrier but we have been told that she has committed to staying at Merino Primary School for Term 4. We will therefore require a fill in teacher and I am pleased to announce that Mrs Jackie Mibus will be joining our staff in Term 4. Mrs Mibus will teach the Year 2 & 3 class every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, with Mrs Bell continuing on Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Mibus is an experienced teacher, having taught extensively at George Street and Dunkeld Primary Schools. We are excited to welcome her into our CPS Community.
School Council Meeting
Thank you to our School Council members for attending our meeting via Webex on Wednesday night. We appreciate all the time that you put in to support our wonderful school. The SC has set a working bee day at school for Sunday 27th October as there are quite a few jobs starting to rack up that need attending to. More information will be forwarded in Term 4.
Years 5 & 6 BIOLAB excursion
Many thanks to Ms Ferrier for supervising our students who visited BioLAB on Tuesday. By all accounts it was a fantastic experience.
Term 4
Term 4 starts on Monday 7th October. Hope to see you all back fit and healthy and ready for a big term.
Thank You
To conclude this term, I would like to extend a huge thanks to all of you in our CPS Community. You have welcomed me with open arms, and I have thoroughly enjoyed settling in. I look forward to leading us into the future.
Warmest regards,
Kate Steele