
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Year 12s - YOU DID IT :)

Congratulations to our Year 12 ATAR and General students who have successfully finished their course content and school-based assessments...FOREVER!  What an achievement!


Our ATAR students are still to sit their external WACE exams next term, and we wish them all the very best as they take a well-deserved break and launch into some final study. 


We look forward to seeing you all next term at your Valedictory Ceremony.

Drones (RePL)

Well done to the following students who successfully completed their Remote Pilot Licence last week: Darcy, Tristen, Jacob, Zekiah, Bella, Adam, Toby, Harry, Luke and Blake.


Open Day

A huge thank you to our staff and students for the amazing display at our Open Day.  We loved seeing all of the parents and friends who visited the Class area on the day.


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Year 11 PPS with Miss Strong

We are coming to the end of our Fertiliser Investigation in Plant Production Systems having collected the last of our growth measurements and now collating the data to see what it tells us. For the trial, we had 3 different application rates of SOP+MAP – 40, 70 and 100kg/ha with a control of 0 as well. The data isn’t giving us answers yet, so the reports will be interesting to read to see the results. 


Throughout the growing season, students measured the growth rate of our plants weekly, tested the pH of the soil, and used refractometers to find the Brix % of our growing crop. While we don’t have the finalised reports yet and can’t share the full results, I can say that our soil pH came in at 6.5 which is nearly neutral and spot on for growing wheat. As well as this our Brix measurements came in between 5-7% which is a little low. 


Brix is a measure of dissolved solids and is usually used to tell us how much sugar is dissolved in a liquid. When used in plant production, Brix can help us determine how resilient our plants are in times of stress – a high Brix, means more sugar and other dissolved solids are present in the plant, meaning the plant is less desirable to pests and diseases and overall healthier.