Farm Enterprises

With the weather slowly warming up, the cattle have been soaking up the sun and enjoying the glorious days. The calves are due for their booster vaccinations this week and are getting used to being handled through the cattle yards and crush!
Quantum has been out and about working hard over the past 8 weeks with his girls. His tenure as "Stud Moo" is ending shortly, and we will be excited to see the outcome during pregnancy testing in a couple of months.
Quantum was very well behaved being put on display at Open Day for visitors to guess his weight, which was guessed correctly! Congratulations Carolyn Gomersall for your correct guess of 1,224kg.
Open Day down at the piggery this year was a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone that stopped by for a chat! The students did a fantastic job setting up and proudly displaying the pigs and their work - the pregnancy scanning demo was a hit!
End of term is wrapping up but it's full steam ahead with the count down on to the Perth Royal Show. We have 3 pigs heading down over the weekend for competition on Monday 23 September. Eight Cert III pork students will be busy throughout the week caring for the pigs on display, networking with supporting pig industry bodies and chatting with the public about the pork industry and agricultural education. Back on the farm, we're busy signing off year 12 students and preparing our pigs for the warmer months ahead.
More fencing, fixing, earthworks, tank installation and general maintenance. Mr West and Miss Iles have been working together to sink strainer posts, clean up fence lines, tidy up eroded roads, and re-purpose old gates for making cocky gate ends. The latest project has involved students becoming human compactors to set up a hard base for a new tank in Paddock 12. It's great to see groups working together and students pitching in to help no matter the task.
Royal Show is fast approaching. Mr Laird and Miss Martini will be busy with shearing, wool and sheep judging events throughout the first week of the show, but it all kicks off this Thursday at Farm Skills! Good luck to our entered teams - Farm Skills is always a fun day for those involved. A big shout out to Lairdy and all the trainers that have spent time training students in the different events for this competition. Royal Show involves students being involved in shearing, wool handling, junior judging (sheep and fleece), and the AWI Wether Challenge competing against other Ag Colleges. Good luck to all of our competitors - it should be a great week.
Hay cutting is done! Now on to baling and carting. We've had Year 11s on the tractor doing the mowing and they've done a great job.