
Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Kylie Iles

Assistant Farm Manager

Retirement for one of the greats ... no - THE great

The end of the holidays will be a sad day for the WACoA - Cunderdin community.  After almost 30 years, Lairdy (aka Mr Wayne Laird) will be hanging up his College hat and retiring.  One thing he'll be looking forward to is being back in his shorts, I'm sure!


Lairdy has been a larger-than-life figure at the College, with his one true aim being educating students in shearing, wool handling and sheep husbandry.  Hundreds of students have been fortunate enough to have passed through Lairdy's shed.  Many go out with life-long memories, and a few with the fear of ever letting a swear word slip in a shed ever again!  His dedication to the College and the industry will never be seen again and all students who have been guided by Lairdy will probably agree - he's one in a million.


He has been a grounding force for the Farm staff team - always willing to help out, offer advice, telling us to pull our heads in when needed, making us laugh, and has had an occasional cry with us.  We will miss him dearly (and also the beautiful vegies fresh from his garden).  We wish him all the best for retirement, and we do expect the occasional visit in amongst his travel plans!


On a personal note, Lairdy has been a mentor to many Farm staff members whether he knows it or not - me being one of them.  I have learnt a lot from him, and his encouragement is always appreciated.  Thanks for the past 11 years Lairdy! 


Kylie Iles

Assistant Farm Manager


Weekend Duty

12 - 13 October - Shellbee Laws (Sat), Tyson Bell (Sat), Angus Townrow (Sat), Zoe Tompkin (Sun) and Jade Taylor (Sat and Sun)


19 - 20 October - Kade Smith (Sat), Rohan Smith (Sat), Jayden O'Meagher (Sun), Heather Lovett (Sun) and Lincoln Cannon (Sat and Sun)


Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager