Student Wellbeing

Mrs Kylie Squiers


The first group of Year 11s attended the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) program at the St John of God Hospital, Midland.  Students learnt about patient journeys in the hospital from the Ambulance to the ICU, did a Physio interactive session and then heard from two inspiring survivors.


Thank you to Miss Lola, Ms Wells and Mr West for the taking the students.  Another two groups of Year 11 students will be going on Friday 18 October and Friday 25 October.

Slime Day

On Tuesday 18 September we rewarded the Year 12s with a slip'n'slide slime afternoon. Students could choose to participate or watch.  It was a fun afternoon with many, many laughs.

Mrs Kylie Squiers

Wellbeing Coordinator