Manager Corporate Services

Yvonne Bopp

Year 12 Valedictory

The Year 12 Valedictory will be held on 8 November 2024. Morning Tea will be available from 9.15am for students and 9.45am for families and guests. Graduating students are required to be in classroom 1 by no later than 9.45am. 


Invitations have been emailed out to parents with the below RSVP link. Please let us know if you have not received your invite. 


Year 12 students are to be dressed in FULL FORMAL UNIFORM (school blazer, tie, white shirt, black trousers, polished black shoes).  A reminder that all College Guidelines apply to Valedictory, including uniform and grooming standards - please be clean-shaven and have an appropriate hairstyle. 


Year 11 students will attend Valedictory and are also to be dressed in FULL FORMAL UNIFORM (school blazer, tie, white shirt, black trousers, polished black shoes).

Year 12 student projects

A reminder that student projects cannot be released to students until the invoice has been paid in full. Please see Mr Prangnell's update on the Trades page.   

School Photos

School photos have been received at the College today. 


Year 11 photos will be sent home with students this week.

Year 12 photos will be put in portfolios for collection on Valedictory Day. 


Thank you. 

Yvonne Bopp

Manager Corporate Services