From the Principal

Jonathon Arnott

I would like to whole-heartedly congratulate the Year 12s on their achievements as many of them wind up this week and finalise their course requirements. Our ATAR 12s have completed their Semester 2 exams and will now start preparing for their WACE exams scheduled for early next term and I wish them all the best as they break for the next 2 weeks to prepare and study from home. 

This week is an emotional week for many, as the pressure to complete all outstanding work and the reality of leaving school and transitioning into the next phase of life becomes apparent.  The beauty of attending Cunderdin Ag is that our students make lifelong mates and connections, and many will stay in touch well beyond school.

Open Day Success

Open Day continues to be a public success with approximately 500 visitors attending. Apart from the success of selling the rams and meeting with prospective students, it was truly a great opportunity to showcase the College and the successful learning that takes place here. 

The Minister for Education, Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, attended Open Day and was impressed with both the learning and students. Jake Bestry was a great advocate for the College as he spoke of the different pathways offered and what the students were able to achieve.

2024 Student Council

On Monday of Week 10, our outgoing Student Council provided a handover to our incoming Student Council, who were recently announced at Open Day. This was an opportunity for our outgoing Councillors to provide some advice and guidance based on their own experiences and successes. From here, the elected Student Councillor’s have the opportunity (should they choose) to self-nominate for one of the two Head Student positions. Nominees will undergo an interview process with myself, the Associate Principal, Head of Residence and the Wellbeing Coordinator and be selected via that process. The Head Students will be announced at the Year 11 End of Year Ceremony on their last day of Term (Friday 15 November 2024).

WA Education Awards

We have been named a finalist in this year’s WA Education Awards 2024 in the category of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (secondary).

This is no mean feat – 127 nominations were submitted this year and only 24 were selected as finalists!

This is truly an all-staff nomination. There were a number of categories which highlight small groups of staff and schools, but Excellence in Teaching and Learning is the only one which celebrates the work of every staff member. The written nomination that was submitted was focused on the supports in place to assist all of our students in accomplishing their studies, which means all of our staff were acknowledged in the application. Examples of the brilliant teaching and learning that takes place in farm, trades and class were all provided, as well as the high level of learning conditions that we create through our residential and wellbeing programs, and the overall environment itself.

The College had two judges visit on Friday 13 September to validate the nomination, and the winners will be announced on Monday 11 November.


Jonathon Arnott
