Principal's Report

Term 3 Comes to a Close

We’re certainly good at packing a lot into term three, especially this one, given we had the concert.  Whilst the concert was certainly a great success, there have been a range of other achievements and events throughout the term.  These have included:

  • Quite a few students participated in the Young Authors' and Bulldogs Read Programs, along with South Street Debating.
  • Preparations for another entry into Energy Breakthrough are well underway, and this year the students have had lots of time in the bikes as a result of lunch time and after school practice sessions.  We will enter this year’s event feeling much more competitive.
  • The disco was hugely popular and provided lots of fun for the kids.
  • As always, the Fathers Day Stall was very popular, giving our kids the opportunity to show appreciation of their dads.
  • Our preps loved their 100 days of school event.
  • Our kinder transition program has commenced with some kinder visits that went very well.
  • The local Playgroup continues to operate on site, and they have loved regular sessions at Scotsburn.
  • There have been the usual array of inter-school sporting events and excursions/incursions.  Our boys basketball team gets to compete at the regional level early next term and we have students through to the regional athletics as well.
  • As per usual, Book Week generated lots of interest in books and reading across the school.
  • Our Scholarship programs are gathering momentum and continue to be very popular with the kids.
  • An in-house chess tournament proved to be popular with the kids.
  • After many months of preparation, a team of students, staff and parents headed off to Japan last week.  That’s all going very well and they are having a fantastic trip.

We finish the term with the Celebration of Learning evening and Sports Colours' Day.  Both of these events are enjoyed by everyone and help us finish off the term in style.  Thanks to everyone for any role you played in supporting any of the above, either as a helper or as a parent supporting your child.


We wish all of our families a safe and relaxing holiday break and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, October 7 for an action-packed final term of 2024.  Let’s hope we get some sunshine and warm weather after a cold week to finish the term.


We have lots to look forward to in term Four, including the 5-6 Halls Gap Camp, Grade 3-4 Queenscliff Camp, the P-2 Sports Day, our Pre-Schooler Program, continuation of the Young Authors' and Bulldogs Read Programs, the Energy Breakthrough event, inter-school cricket, Grandparents' & Special Friends' Day, grade one Late Stay, grade 5-6 Sovereign Hill experience, grade 2 sleepover and Scotsburn whole school sleepover, Orientation Day, Scotsburn Christmas Concert and Grade 6 Graduation.  

Trip to Japan

Given the preparation work completed by Mrs Cray, it’s not surprising to hear that the Japan Trip is going really well.  The kids (and staff and parents) are certainly getting a brilliant opportunity to practice and build on their language skills, whilst learning lots about Japanese culture.


Staff and students have been enjoying following the Japan Trip blog ( and keeping up to date with what’s happening on the trip. We look forward to getting everyone home safely on Thursday morning and hearing about their adventures.   

Vacation Projects

As per usual, we have a few projects organised for the break while there are no kids around.  On this occasion, our plans include:

  • New carpet for the Junior Quad – New carpet is being laid in all four grade two classrooms.
  • New vinyl flooring for the senior boys' toilets and a new paint job on the walls as well.
  • New sheds – Work will commence on the construction of two new sheds.  A sustainability/STEM shed is going up at Scotsburn, and a shed to house the EBT program is going up at the Buninyong Campus.  Both sheds are being funded by the Buninyong Community Bank and Buninyong and Mt Helen Lions Club.  We very much appreciate their support.
  • Line Marking - Weather permitting, line marking will be added to the new basketball court at the Buninyong Campus.  In addition, all existing slow zone signage on paths will be repainted, and some new slow zone signage will be added (both campuses).
  • Painting – There will be an assortment of small painting jobs completed over the break.

Drainage Works in Cornish Street

Over the break the City of Ballarat is undertaking drainage works in Cornish St.  These works are to address the flooding we have experienced in the BER building after sudden downpours of rain.  Hopefully this will direct water coming down Simpson Street into the storm water drainage system, rather than our yard and then the BER building.  This will have us feeling much more comfortable when storms are approaching.

Plan for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) iPads 2025

Over the past few months, we have been considering a way forward with the BYOD iPad program.  This included listening to feedback from parents, much of which came from an online survey.  This was followed by discussions with School Council. 


After weighing everything up and considering a variety of options, we have decided to discontinue the BYOD iPad program for our grade threes from the beginning of next year. 


The BYOD iPad program will remain unchanged for students in grade 4-6 for 2025.  During 2025, we will build on the information gathered this year and make decisions regarding the use of devices at school longer term. 

Parking Around the School

We all acknowledge that it can be a challenge finding a park out the front of the school at the end of the school day.  We urge parents to not allow that to result in parking illegally or behaving badly.  We do not want parents parking in places that cause inconvenience for local residents, nor parking in places that impede foot traffic or road users.  Of course, we’d like all of our parents being patient and courteous to everyone else who are part of the end of school pick up. 


As mentioned previously, for many families it can work to consider parking one block away.  Then you can arrange for the kids to come to you or meet them at the gate and walk to the car.  Then you can avoid all of the rush out the front of the school.


Ultimately, we just want everyone to be safe and for there to be a respectful environment in and around the school community.  Anything you can do to help with that is much appreciated.

Prep Enrolments for 2025

If you have a child to enrol for Prep in 2025 and haven’t submitted an enrolment, please do so this week as workforce planning for 2025 is happening in earnest.


All parents with a Prep enrolment submitted for 2025 should have received an email with an overview of transition activities scheduled for later in the year.  This includes the Pre-Schooler Program, which runs in weeks one to four of term four.  If you have yet to book your child in for the Pre-Schooler Program, please get that done as soon as possible.