Classroom News

Our First Swimming Program at Sacred Heart!
I really liked going on the water slide because it was very slippery and the water went on our heads! Joseph
I liked swimming because we had great teachers and we got to practise how to swim! Finbar
I like it when they have pool noodles because they are so soft! Sebastian
I like going under the water without putting on my goggles and holding my nose because it’s fun! Max
We liked watching the Foundation students swim because they were learning new skills! Ben and Yichen
I love swimming because you can put your head under the water! Steve
I liked going swimming because we got to play with pool toys! Ada H
I like the pool because it feels like I’m swimming in noodles and I feel like I’m swimming with Aerial and riding dolphins! Scarlett
I liked kicking my feet in the water! Layla
I liked playing with the toys. The jellyfish was my favourite toy! Emmet
I liked that I could dive into the water! Pablo
I loved the pool because I got to kick and use the pool noodles! Lucas
I liked putting my face under the water because I could see under the water! Sidesh
I loved when the teachers helped me when I fell down! Avatea
I liked floating in the water with my pool noodle! Elena
I liked doing the starfish float with my teacher! Ada C
I liked doing the torpedo in the water because we would go fast! Ethan
I liked swimming in the water because it was warm! Zach
I liked doing the torpedo under the water and making bubbles! Ava
I liked going under the water because I love to hold my breath! Joshua
Thank you so much to all our amazing parent helpers for making this event run so smoothly!
Year 1
This week, the Year 1 students participated in our yearly swimming program at Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre.
What did you enjoy about swimming?
Alena: Swimming is my favourite sport. I liked when we were floating.
Audrey: I love when I swim with my friends.
Aiden: I like swimming because I was learning with my friends and I learned how to do backstroke.
Abigail: I like swimming with my friends and also learning lots of new things. I like that we got to do freestyle. I also liked that we were doing starfishes in the water. And I enjoyed swimming underwater with my friends.
Ezra: I like swimming and I noticed that the blue step in my lane was further than the other lanes.
Bruno: I enjoyed swimming under the water.
Elissa: I like swimming.
Valentino: I like how I went underwater. I also like how all the people in my group got to do freestyle.
Liam: I like when I went underwater without goggles. One of my friends helped me to clean my eyes from the water when I went underwater. Ruan was the friend who helped me.
Year 2/3
Hello families,
What a busy week this week has been! The students have been making a ‘splash’ at the Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre. Excitement and enthusiasm has been swirling around the corridors, with lots of learning and fun taking place at the pool. Here are just a few comments from some of the Year 2/3 students...
"I'm so excited to go swimming, I can't wait!"
"I put my head under for the first time."
"We got to choose a colour, throw it in and dive after it."
"I tried really hard."
"I am able to swim all the way by myself."
"I am still learning to float, I will practice."
Year 3/4
Our swimming was easy and fun and the teachers were kind. It was very enjoyable, cool and very interesting. Lawrence
Today we went to the pool to swim. We had so much fun, splashing. We learnt freestyle arms and splashed lots of water! Austin & Ben
Swimming was so fun! It was so exciting when I got into the pool so that I could practise. I love swimming anywhere! It was great. Arvin
On the 8th of September, we went swimming at Northcote Swimming Pool. It was really fun going swimming because it's my favourite thing to do. It’s also a survival skill to learn, if you are stuck in the middle of the sea and know how to swim you could save your life from death. Massie
Today, we went swimming. It was fun to do because we got to learn different strokes such as freestyle, backstroke and starfish. It is enjoyable and we get to do survival skills. Amy
From the 8th to 12th of September we went swimming at the Northcote Swimming Centre. We swam for about 4 hours. Our teacher was called Luca and he is a really good swim teacher. Sai
Swimming is fun. Many people love to swim, it is really good. It’s so good to swim and if you don’t know then you can try to learn to swim or go to swimming class. Anyone can learn to swim. If you find it hard, try your best. Aisha
It started on Monday, when we went to the Northcote Swimming Pool, to learn the first steps in swimming. It was fascinating to learn and we had lots of fun doing the activities. They were mostly about doing ‘boiling water (kicking your legs up and down)’. Although it was tough, it was enjoyable to do. Katalina
Swimming, I love swimming because the teachers are caring for us to learn life skills! So I also love swimming because my mum used to teach me to swim, so I already know the basics! Yippee! Mia
I love swimming, it's fun. I like swimming because it teaches me life skills for when I am swimming at the beach. I love when we get to play games at the end, finding the toy at the bottom of the pool. Olivia
Today we went swimming. It was fun. We splashed in the water , we laughed and we swam. I love it , it is one of my favourite sports. Swimming is also very good for survival. It can help you through out your life. Chloe
Year 4 / 5
Swimming at the Northcote pool was really enjoyable because the teachers were very kind and we understood what they instructed us to do! My swimming teacher told me that I was a top rank swimmer, I was very advanced. I also do swimming every Wednesday after school at 5pm. Swimming is a really fun sport, especially when we play games in the water. Brenton
We had an awesome time when we went swimming. Everybody enjoyed it and it was a fabulous experience. At the pool, we had good swimming instructors and we learnt abut different kicks and strokes in the water. Shamus
On Monday 9th of September, we started a swimming program which went for four days! It was really fun and it made me really hungry. I thought that the best part was swimming in the deep end and then jumping into the water from the wall. Matilda was our teacher. Azariah
When we went swimming, I really enjoyed swimming with the kick boards. I loved every moment of swimming! My instructor really helped me improve in my backstroke and I think I am really better at it now. We also got to play some fun games like racing each other. This helped us to become better in the water. Kaitlyn
On Monday 9th of September, we started having swimming lessons. on the first lesson I was really nervous yet I was so excited! First the instructor wanted to see how we swam and then he sorted us into groups. The instructor for my group was extremely kind. In the end, me and my group learned all sorts of different and unique techniques, such as backstroke. My swimming instructor said I was amazing at swimming. Overall, swimming was amazing and a lot of fun to do! Callix
The Foundation students to the year 4 students went swimming this week from Monday to Thursday. It was really fun. We did freestyle, topeado, backstroke etc. I think that I have improved a lot in my swimming during the past few days. Cody
Year 5 / 6
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
What a wonderful occasion last night turned out to be. Over 80 passports were given out last night which was amazing. Thanks for your continued support with your child's education ~ last night's attendance was evident that this is a great community, albeit sleepy eyed students and teachers today!!
Picture Storybooks
Please if you get a chance come and read the students' picture story books 'My Place', which will be on display in the library until the end of term. A lot of work went into these and the students are extremely proud of their achievements, which they should be. Great work!!